Monday, December 19, 2011

Reaching my Goals by Helping You with Yours

I'm starting to believe what seems to be a contradiction.  The fastest way to reach my goals at work is to spend some time focusing on other goals:  the goals of the other person.

It truly is a virtuous circle, one that creates far more success for everyone than would be possible if each of us focused only on what we want.  Every time I go on a business trip and hyper-focus on my priorities, I make slow progress. I've been learning, instead, that even if I spend most of my time executing my plans and going after my goals, I always get more done if I spend a lot of time on other people's goals.  If I ask people about their lives, their projects, and if I find ways to help them reach their goals or at least make them feel that somebody cares, I always seem to meet more of my own needs.

It's as if 35 hours spent on my own projects plus 5 hours helping others with their own needs always gives me more results that if I spent 40 hours only on my interests.  Plus, it feels good.  It creates a feeling of collaboration, an energy and excitement that makes work feel like play.

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