I've started using a 99 cent plastic green egg timer hourglass at work. When I flip the hourglass, it takes about 2 minutes for the sand to run out. I'm using this cheap, ugly egg timer to help me get through my e-mail in-box.
One of the key reco's from Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
So if you can deal with something in less than 2 minutes--responding to an e-mail, making a phone call, or any other quick task--don't write it down, JUST DO IT!
But how do you get a feel for what tasks take 2 minutes? I start answering an e-mail, thinking it will be quick, but start elaborating and elaborating. Suddenly, 20 minutes have passed.
My 99 cent egg timer holds me accountable. It becomes a game. I flip the cheesy green plastic hourglass and then start responding to an e-mail. Can I finish responding and delete the original before the sand runs out? I made it? WOO HOO! Can I squeeze in another? And another?
When I got to work on Monday, after 4 vacation days, I had 122 messages in my In-box. This was much more than deleting junk mail. It involved answering a lot of hard questions. But the pressure of the egg timer helped me make my point quickly and move on. I was able to drive the In-box below 60 in less than 2 hours. I felt much more "caught up" and more confident about my choices of what to accomplish for the rest of the week.
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