Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pick your weight loss challenge: Difficulty or Doubt?

After reading Gary Taubes book, "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It", I've concluded that there are two basic challenges to losing weight.  It depends on your diet.  If you eat lots of carbohydrates, the challenge will be how DIFFICULT it is to lose weight.  If you go with low carbs, losing weight will be easy, but you will be haunted by DOUBT.

If you eat the typical American diet, a diet recommended by your doctor, or one of the diets that most experts consider healthy, such as the diets by Dr. Ornish, you will eat too many carbohydrates.  Insulin will be elevated, such that your body will be inclined to maintain a high level of fat.  You can starve yourself but that is DIFFICULT.  You can exercise and burn off some of the fat.  But studies show that, if your insulin is high, your body will fight back.  It doesn't want to lose fat.  If you burn fat with exercise, your body will make you extra hungry to persuade you to eat again to replace the fat.  Your body will also make you feel lethargic, trying to force you to be sedentary, so that it can redirect any calories you eat to replacing the fat that you burned.  As long as your carb intake is high, weight loss may be possible, but it will be DIFFICULT.  You'll either feel hungry or you'll force yourself to exercise in spite of feeling no energy.

If you eat low carbs, on the other hand, losing weight is easy.  Your fat "thermostat" is set on low.  Your body wants to store less fat.  When you eat, your body wants you to either build muscle or burn the fuel with physical activity.  You feel energy that makes it easy to exercise.  But you are haunted by DOUBT.  All the experts tell you that, "Obviously, you are eating fat and will get fat.  Your cholesterol will rise.  You'll clog your arteries."  These experts will quote the American Heart Association, and the AHA will quote other experts, who quote other experts, but nobody cites any convincing, unbiased, scientific experiments.  The best studies I've seen favor the low carb position.  But can all those experts be wrong?  Can all these doctors be wrong?  When you eat a low carb diet, the biggest challenge you face, the thing that is most likely to cause you to give up, is DOUBT.

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