Saturday, August 3, 2013

If I look stressed, please yell at me

From April through June, I asked my friend Kevin at work to hold me accountable to getting my emails under control.  Kevin sits by the printer.  Each day, I'd print a chart of the number of emails in my inbox.  Kevin dutifully gave me a hard time if the chart didn't show daily progress in shrinking my inbox from almost 500 messages when I started this all the way down to 0. 

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I've switched to a new goal:  to consciously relax at least 10 times per day.  Last week, Kevin and I tried to figure out a way he could hold me accountable to my new goal.  But how?  I keep track of my goal one day at a time with a small digital counter I keep in my pocket.  There are no charts for me to show him.  Finally, it hit me.  "Kevin, if you ever see me looking stressed out, I want you to yell at me!"  He laughed and immediately agreed.

I think this will be a good reminder for me.  I can't go ANYWHERE at work without passing Kevin's desk.  Even when he's out of town, his empty cubicle will remind me dozens of times per day to keep my cool.

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