Monday, March 25, 2013

Learning to Steer

Every week--as I continue to journal about what I'd like to see happen at work, with my family, with my health, and with my neighborhood community council work--I get a little bit clearer about where I think I'm heading.  I'm learning to steer.

It is easiest, at least right now, to imagine the very near term:  wouldn't it be great if I finished a computer model at work?  If I arranged for college visits to Chicago with my kids over spring break?  If the neighborhood community council that I'm President of signed a contract with a consultant to revitalize the business district?  If I did a better job of slowing down and relaxing deeply in the last couple of hours before bed?  I have more trouble imagining where I want to be 5 years from now than where I want to be by Friday.  But if I get used to reaching my goals each week, I'll be better able to reach for big, long term goals with confidence.

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