Time to reflect: How am I doing? Am I implementing the methods of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
I think I understand the system better than the first time I tried it years ago, and I'm following its guidelines more closely. I'm not getting my inbox to zero yet, but it's been under 60 for 4 weeks, and it's often flirted with 20. This compares to my normal 300-400 messages. I don't feel buried anymore. I still want to get to 0 every few days, as the book recommends, but I've had to balance this with my other goals.
My home "inbox"--which tends to be filled with papers, manuals, bills, things to file, and things that I need to repair or find a place to store--is near zero most of the time. This is a huge relief and saves me time when Chris asks me to find something that--in the past--would have been buried among 100 other papers.
Chris has noticed a change in how much I get done at home. It seems that we're more caught up than we used to be, and more able to take on new projects and challenges.
I think people at work have noticed. I think they're often surprised at the amount of stuff I'm producing.
I'm feeling more in control. I'm still behind on some things, but I'm sensing that people are cutting me some slack because they're seeing how much I'm getting done.
Unlike the last time I read the book, I'm spending more time keeping my lists up to date. I trust them more. They seem to reflect what I really need to get done.
I'm going to stop blogging about this for a while, but I'm going to keep working at it. I find that now, when I meditate, I'm better able to concentrate without having my mind drift to all the stuff I've got to do. I've got a way to go with getting my inbox down, with capturing all my goals and dreams and those of my family, with protecting 2 hours per weeks to review and renew my plans. But I feel I'm on my way.
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